By recognizing our environment as a manifestation of our spiritual and psychological condition, I explore this intersection of self/home/business to aid in assisting my clients in finding true comfort and joy. Since the spiritual precedes the physical, the Wright Way of Feng Shui method can assist in creating a new beginning, repair what is harmful and increase what is already good in homes, shops, and business spaces. Among other things, I have successfully used Feng Shui techniques to increase health energy, boost career, and business income, resolve family conflicts, and in many instances, attract the perfect partner.
Feng Shui Residential Services Include:
- A comprehensive analysis of your interior and exterior environment.
- Floor plan evaluation.
- Room by room analysis.
- In-depth discussion, regarding your unique elements, to establish correct solutions to benefit you in attaining your personal goals.
- Instructions on how to enhance and balance each area’s energies to support and nourish your family. Suggestions on the best interior layout of your rooms, including furniture placement, color selections, and best positions for your bed, desk, etc. to reflect your taste in décor.
- Landscaping suggestions to enhance the Feng Shui of your property.
- Suggestions on the placement of wall art, if needed.
- Recommendations on how to attract better health energy; career success; marriage and relationship satisfaction; and a more unified and harmonious family life.
After our initial phone conversation, and before a consultation is scheduled, I will send you a simple questionnaire to fill out. This paperwork is completely confidential and gives me the opportunity to learn more about you. I also want to establish what your needs might be and how I can best serve you.
You will be asked to draw a very simple outline of your floor plan. This is very important as it gives me information needed for a preliminary diagnosis. I will also require the birthday (month, day, year) of each person who lives in the home—to prepare charts for you.
After I have studied your paperwork, I will call you and we can discuss my findings. I’ll give you my evaluation on the areas of your home that I feel need improvement and also, the areas that can be enhanced for maximum support. If you choose to go forward, I will quote you a fee (based on square footage), and we’ll schedule an appointment for me to visit to your home for the in depth on site consultation.
If you do not live in the Greater Los Angeles area, we can discuss options for virtual Feng Shui services.

If you are running a small business from your home office, or you bring work home from your outside office, it is extremely important to balance the energies of this room for optimum support. Feng Shui can balance the energy of a 28,000 sq ft. law office, or a 200 sq. ft. home office. The size is not the issue, but the process and the benefits are the same.
You may wonder why some businesses fail in spite of enormous effort on the part of many, while others prosper in spite of very little advantage. It’s really not a mystery. Many problems of unprofitable businesses are caused by energy imbalances in the workplace. Stress, tension and low energy are common occurrences in such situations. Having proper Feng Shui in your workplace brings a sense of harmony and improves work performance, employee morale, relationships, and profitability.
Feng Shui Commercial Services Include:
- A thorough analysis of your workplace.
- Floor plan assessment.
- Suggestions on how to set up your office space for ultimate success, productivity and comfort (Including desk position, furniture placement, color selection, etc.)
- Where to position the CEO’s office.
- Proper placement of employees’ desks for optimal energy and work performance.
- Suggestions for reception area to enhance, arrange, harmonize, balance and support the energy in this all-important entry area.
- Organization and clutter clearing advice.
- Create a physically balanced working environment that supports the growth of your business and a successful business future.
The Consultation & What to Expect:
After our initial phone call, if we decide to work together, know that I don’t place hourly restrictions on my residential and business consultations, so you will feel relaxed and never rushed to keep to a time limit. You will find that my consultations are very thorough, educational and enjoyable and usually will take from two to three hours to complete, depending on the size of the space. After we complete the session, I will be available for any additional phone consults or assistance as needed. My goal is to ensure that every part of your Feng Shui experience is a success!
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